We are pleased to announce the release of the iOS version 2.3.4, which has some interesting new features:
- Delete an old Sale
- Modify an old Sale
- New Categories:
- Hair Salon
- Barber Shop
- Tobacco Store
In the Profile Screen we see a list of our Sales, sorted by submission date (newest at the top), Store name, and Sale description. Each row in that list has the following information:
- Sale description
- Store name
- Statistics (How many people (dis)liked the sale, and how many people have commented on it)
We slide our finger horizontally on a row to bring the menu up.
If we click on the “Delete” button, we delete the Sale, and completely remove it from our server. We are asked to confirm this action.
If we click on the “Modify” button, we go to the next screen:
Here we see the address of the store, the store name, the store category and the sale description. We can change anything but the address. If we would like to submit our changes, we click on the “Submit” button. We wait for a few seconds, and then we are directed back to Profile Screen.
In iOS version 2.3.4 we added the feature to delete and modify an old Sale. There is no limit on the number of times that you can do this action on a sale. Also, we added the following three categories: Hair Salon, Barber Shop, and Tobacco Store